rrCopper (Cu)
The health benefits of copper include proper growth of the body, efficient utilization of iron, proper enzymatic reactions, as well as improved health of connective tissues, hair, and eyes. Copper is also integral for preventing premature aging and increasing energy production. Apart from these, regulated heart rhythm, balanced thyroid glands, reduced symptoms of arthritis, quick wound healing, increased red blood cell formation, and reduced cholesterol are other health benefits of copper.
The health benefits of copper are crucial for an overall healthy existence, as this mineral enables normal metabolic process in association with amino acids and vitamins. Copper cannot be produced within the body and therefore needs to be added from external food sources. Copper is the third most prevalent mineral in the body and it is mostly carried by the blood plasma protein, Ceruloplasmin. In order to enjoy the health benefits of copper, it must be included in the daily diet, as it is used up in daily bodily processes.
Symptoms of Copper Deficiency
A deficiency of copper can have the following symptoms in human beings:
Low body temperature
Brittle bones
Dilated veins
Low white blood cell count
Uneven heartbeat
Elevated cholesterol levels
Low resistance to infections
Birth defects
Low skin pigmentation
Thyroid disorders
Some of the other symptoms include lethargy, paleness, sores, edema, stunted growth, hair loss, anorexia, diarrhea, bleeding under the skin and dermatitis. In infant boys, inherited copper deficiency of the rare Menkes’ syndrome can happen, where natural absorption of copper becomes impossible. Early medical intervention is essential in such cases.
Iron (Fe)
The health benefits of iron mainly include its job of providing life-giving oxygen to organ systems through its role in red blood cell production. About two-thirds of the body’s iron is found in hemoglobin. Other health benefits of iron are the reduction of iron deficiency anemia, anemia of chronic disease, cough, anemia in pregnancy, predialysis anemia and many other varieties.
The health benefits of iron relate to the proper growth of human body and maintenance of robust health. It is an essential protein component for metabolism, and the human body needs iron to produce red blood cells. The human body is capable of preserving up to 25% of iron for future use, especially in the cases of inadequate diet intake, which is a backup plan for reducing the impact of anemia, if iron intake suddenly declines.
In the body, about 70% of iron is found in hemoglobin and myoglobin. Hemoglobin is the primary transporter of oxygen from the lungs to the body’s tissues, while myoglobin is in muscle cells, and makes acceptance, storage, transportation, and release of oxygen possible in those cells. About 5% of iron is found as components of various proteins and as necessary elements in certain enzymatic reactions. Finally, up to 25% of the body’s iron is stored in ferritin, which is in the cells and circulating in the bloodstream. Ferritin can store up to three years’ worth of iron supplementation for men, but only about one year’s worth for women, which is why anemia is more common in females. The role and importance of iron cannot be overestimated, primarily because the deficiency is so unpleasant and dangerous; let’s take a closer look at it below.
Iron Deficiency Symptoms
Iron deficiency may often cause severe fatigue, body weakness, and other related health ailments. People lacking iron cannot perform normal functions in an optimal way. Furthermore, women and children need more iron than their male counterparts, and anemia strikes them particularly hard. Severe iron deficiency may cause progressive skin ailments that cause brittleness of nails and extra smoothness in the tongue area. The enzymatic processes that require iron and the proteins that need it as a building block or co-factor will not be able to occur, and the body metabolism can slow or even shut down. Anemia is considered the most common global nutritional deficiency.
Important Sources of Iron
Iron is found in both vegetarian and non-vegetarian foods, which is classified as heme or non-heme iron, respectively. Legumes, lentils, soy beans, whole grains, green leafy vegetables, cereals, bread, spinach, turnip, sprouts, broccoli and dry fruits also have good iron content. You can also get iron tablets and supplements. Anemic patients are often advised by doctors to take supplementary iron tablets or tonics. Food items containing good levels of vitamin-C may also aid in the absorption of iron by the body. For example, eating a burger with tomato slices on it could boost the absorption of non-heme iron contents from the burger bread. Citrus fruits and juices like orange juice may also help in iron absorption.
Health Benefits of Iron
Iron, when consumed in a balanced amount in the human diet, is perfect for providing a number of benefits, which are explained in greater detail below.
Hemoglobin Formation: Formation of hemoglobin is the chief function of this mineral. Not only that, since iron is a part of hemoglobin, it gives the dark shade of red to the blood and also aids in transporting oxygen to the body cells. Additional hemoglobin is vitally important because human beings tend to lose blood in various ways, through injuries, both internal and external. Most notably, women lose considerable amounts of blood every month during their menstruation years, which is one of the major reasons why women are more likely to suffer from anemia than men.
Muscle Function: Iron is a vital element for muscle health. It is present in the muscle tissues and helps to provide the supply of oxygen required for contraction of muscles. Without iron, muscles lose their tone and elasticity; muscle weakness is one of the most obvious signs of anemia.
Brain Function: Increased development of the brain is also one of the many benefits of iron. Since oxygen supply in the blood is aided by iron and the brain uses approximately 20% of the blood oxygen, iron is directly related to brain health and its functions. Proper flow of blood in the brain can stimulate cognitive activity and help to create new neural pathways to prevent cognitive disorders like dementia and Alzheimer’s disease, so proper iron intake and its subsequent brain oxygenation is essential.
Restless Leg Syndrome: Iron deficiency is one of the causes of the restless leg syndrome. Most research on this syndrome has concentrated on iron. Low levels of iron in the blood are a major cause of the condition, so proper intake of iron supplements in required levels as per doctor’s recommendations can cure this problem. This is connected to muscle spasms, which can be one of the symptoms of iron deficiency.
Regulation of Body Temperature: Iron is an important facilitator for regulating body temperature. An interesting fact is that it has the ability to regulate as per the absorption capacity of the body. Keeping the body temperature stable means that enzymatic and metabolic functions can happen in their most optimal and efficient environments and temperatures.
Oxygen Carrier: One of the most important health benefits of iron is that it acts as a carrier of oxygen and thus participates in transferring oxygen from one body cell to other. This is a vital function of iron, as oxygen is required by each and every organ system to perform routine functions.
Iron Deficiency Anemia: Iron is helpful in the treatment of a severe disorder called iron deficiency anemia, which results from a lack of iron in the human body. This is where most of these health benefits come from, as a result of preventing this terrible disease that affects millions of people around the world. It is the most common nutritional deficiency on the planet.
Chronic Diseases: Iron also helps in the treatment of chronic disorders like renal failure anemia, and other chronic diseases of the intestinal and excretory system. These are not related to blood necessarily, like most other iron functions, but remember, iron is still a key part of many necessary processes throughout the body’s systems, not just the circulatory system.
Anemia in Women: Iron may also exhibit its health benefits in curing anemia that occurs in women during pregnancy or menstruation. New red blood cells must replace those that have been lost, so consuming significant amounts of iron is necessary for those women at those points in their lives.
Neurotransmitter Synthesis: Iron actively takes part in the synthesis of a number of essential neurotransmitters like dopamine, norepinephrine, and serotonin. These chemicals play a major role in different activities involving neurons and the human brain.
Predialysis Anemia: It is suggested by health experts that iron is capable of treating another form of anemia called predialysis anemia. However, it is a good idea to consult a medical expert to get treatment for this problem, as it can be very complicated and dangerous.
Fatigue: Health benefits of iron also include the elimination of unexplained or chronic fatigue, which may occur in both men and women. Iron deficiency is a natural cause of fatigue since it is an important component of hemoglobin. So, the inclusion of iron in your diet keeps you fit, healthy, and energetic, both internally and in your external life.
Immune System: Iron also plays a key role in providing strength to the immune system of the human body. Thus, the body is made proficient enough to fight against a number of diseases and infections. Red blood cells are necessary for providing oxygen to damaged tissues, organs, and cells. Without iron, there would be no hemoglobin; without hemoglobin, there would be no oxygen. The healing process needs iron to happen!
Energy Metabolism: Iron is an important participant of energy metabolism in human body. This process is how energy is extracted from the consumed food and subsequently distributed to different body parts.
Enzyme Systems: Iron happens to be the most important constituent of various enzymatic systems and other important constituents like myoglobin, cytochromes and catalase. Without these functioning properly, a number of organ systems would slow down or shut down completely.
Insomnia: Iron is also useful in treating insomnia in the human body and also improves the sleeping habits and quality of people by regulating their circadian rhythms. Proper red blood cell count can also result in less fluctuation of blood pressure, which can often keep people awake at night.
Concentration: Iron, when consumed in sufficient amounts, can help focus concentration and energy, which will boost cognitive and mental performance. Increased flow of blood to the brain due to iron’s red blood cell activity is what results in this important benefit.
Sodium (Na)
Sodium is an extremely important electrolyte and an essential ion present in the extracellular fluid (ECF). One of the health benefits of sodium is the pivotal role it plays in enzyme operations and muscle contraction. It is very important for osmoregulation and fluid maintenance within the human body. Some other health benefits of sodium include improved heart performance, nervous system and glucose absorption.
Sodium is the primary ion and electrolyte within the body, and it is needed for blood regulation. Serious impairment of bodily function is caused due to the absence of sodium. It is a versatile element and occurs in more than eighty different forms. As an electrolyte, it regulates the bodily fluids and transmits electrical impulses in the body. Unlike other vitamins and minerals, heat has no effect on sodium. Therefore, it can be used in different ways and preparations without losing its effects. Also, it is an important constituent of nerves and helps regulate muscle contractions.
Although sodium is an essential nutrient in any balanced diet, it can also cause stomach cancer and hypertension. People suffering from kidney problems or edema should restrict their intake of sodium to protect against those health risks.
In short, sodium is a vital component in the human diet for the regulation of cellular activity and nervous system function. Supplemental doses of sodium are necessary when you sweat profusely, have sunstroke, or suffer from adrenal insufficiency. Sodium is regularly excreted in the urine, and poses no inherent toxicity or risk.
Deficiency Symptoms of Sodium
The recommended intake of sodium is 2400mg/day. If you do not supply your body with enough sodium, the deficiency symptoms can range from irritating to fatal. One of the most seriously impacted areas of the body is the nervous system, which will begin to shut down. In general, sodium deficiency leads to the following:
Low blood pressure
Weight loss
Muscular irritability
While the deficiency of sodium is dangerous, an excess of sodium can also cause high blood pressure, swelling of the neural tissues and nerves, and cerebral edema. If the situation is not alleviated, it can even lead to a coma.
Reduction in the amount of sodium also reduces the fat accumulated in the peripheral parts of the body. Furthermore, excess sodium elevates the chances of lung infection. Depletion of the level of sodium is an invitation to a host of diseases that can cause exhaustion, exertion and mental apathy.
Important Sources of Sodium
Some of the best sources of sodium are apples, common salt, homemade soups, cabbage, egg yolks, pulses, and bananas. Even carrots, baking powder and baking soda, turnips, leafy vegetables and dried peas are good sources. Processed cheese, smoked fish, salty meats, snacks, pickles and sauce contains ample amount of sodium, but they also come with other health concerns.
Health Benefits of Sodium
Sodium is generally present in very small quantities in nearly every natural food. When it is added in form of common salt, it not only increases the flavor, but also completes the necessary requirement of balanced diet. The health benefits of sodium include:
Water Balance: Sodium is one of the minerals that helps to regulate fluid levels in the human body. Sodium and water balance are closely linked. Sodium gateways and channels are what pump water into the cell and regulate the amount of extracellular fluid in the body.
Sunstroke: It is caused due to the failure of the heat regulating system in the human body. This form of heat exhaustion is caused due to continuous exposure to very high temperatures. This exposure causes the body to lose its capacity to maintain normal temperature. This condition is further aggravated due to the loss of salt and water from the body. Thus, sodium plays a vital role in preventing sun stroke or heat exhaustion by replacing the loss of essential electrolytes. Besides water, drinking fluids containing salt and sugar is favorable against sunstroke. Salt can also be mixed with the juice of raw mangoes to provide even more relief. Sodium levels and fluid balance are very important for endurance athletes as well as those who live extremely active lifestyles.
Brain Function: The brain is very sensitive to change in sodium levels of the body; deficiency of sodium often manifests as confusion and lethargy. Sodium aids in keeping the mind sharp, and it is an important element for the development of the brain, since sodium works to improve brain function.
Muscle Cramps: These are caused mostly during the hot summer months due to electrolyte imbalance and dehydration. Along with properly hydrating the body, it is also important to supplement one’s body with sodium-rich juices and fluids to restore the amount of electrolytes.
Anti-aging: Sodium is an important hydrating product contained in many anti-aging creams. It defends against the free radicals that accelerate the aging process. Furthermore, it helps to restore youthful and healthy skin.
Eliminates Excess Carbon Dioxide: Sodium plays an important role in the removal of any excess carbon dioxide that has accumulated in the body.
Regulates Glucose Absorption: Sodium helps to facilitate the absorption of glucose by cells, resulting in the smooth transportation of nutrients in the body’s cell membranes.
Maintains Acid/Base Balance: By altering the proportions of acid-base alkali phosphates in the body, sodium controls the reaction of the kidneys and the frequency and content of urination.
Regulation of Fluids: One of the most notable health benefits of sodium is its ability to balance the osmotic pressure in the human body due to the regulation of fluid in the body’s cells.
Balance of Ions: Sodium shares an association with chlorides and bicarbonates in maintaining a sound balance between two types of ions, both positively charged ions and negatively charged ones.
Maintains Heart Health: Sodium can help to maintain normal contractions of the heart. It plays a vital role in maintaining the blood pressure of the human body, but an excessive increase in sodium content can dramatically boost the blood pressure and result in serious health complications.
Proteins are a group of biological compounds which are present in every live cell, organ and tissue of the body. It is there in the form of enzymes, antibodies, hormones and much more. Meaning ‘first’ or ‘of prime importance’ in Greek, proteins participate in every cellular process occurring in the body. Proteins are responsible for the formation, regulation, repair and protection of the body of each organism. It executes a range of functions within living beings including catalysis of enzymes, DNA replication communication and coordination within the cells, molecular transportation from one location to another.
Health benefits of proteins include production and smooth functioning of enzymes and hormones and provide cellular and muscular health. It facilitates molecular transportation, cell repair and regeneration and provides mechanical and structural support to the bones and skin. Consumption of adequate protein ensures strong immune defense, efficient signaling of nerves and impulses, healthy hair and maintenance of fluid balance in the body. Protein can also turn into an energy provider when required by the body.
Sources of proteins
Good sources of proteins are not hard to find for both vegetarians and non-vegetarians. Vegetarians can choose from nuts, seeds, soy products like tofu, dairy products and legumes including variety of beans such as pinto beans, kidney beans, garbanzo beans, and split peas. Meat eaters can choose from eggs, turkey, cooked lean meat and fish.
Nutritional value of Proteins
The amount of amino acids present in proteins determines the nutritional value of a protein which may vary for different foods. For instance, soy products and animal proteins contain all essential amino acids whereas; the plant proteins are generally deficient in few amino acids. It is advisable for the people following strictly vegetarian or vegan diet to include and combine various foods with a range of amino acids to fulfill their daily requirement.
Health benefits of proteins
Muscular health: Proteins play an important role in muscle contraction and coordination. Proteins are present in the muscle tissues in the form of many microfilaments and provide muscle structure. Muscle growth depends on the adequacy of proteins in the body. It is extremely important to create a balance between the rate of muscle protein synthesis and the breakdown of these muscle proteins. The rate of breakdown of muscle proteins varies depending upon specific conditions for example, the requirement of protein is different during old age, when the breakdown of muscles accelerates and is different for strength trainers who would also need to consider perfect timing along with the amount of protein intake.
Immune defense: Proteins are vital for the building stronger immune system.The body runs a mechanism of self-defense and protects itself from various infections and diseases with the help of antibodies. These antibodies are specific proteins which have the ability to detect foreign elements also known as antigens. The body responds to the antigens by the production of specific antibodies and deactivates it.
Nerve signaling: Another important task performed by proteins is the smooth functioning of nervous system. The nervous system of the body is activated whenever it is triggered and in turn responds with an appropriate reaction. The receptor sites present in the nervous system, which are accountable for the prompt response comprises of protein complexes. These receptor proteins assist in the transmission of nerve signals within the cells and regulate the central nervous system.
Fluid equilibrium: Balancing and regulation of fluids present in the body is another critical task performed by the proteins attributing to their effect on osmosis. As water is drawn towards the protein, better the quantity of proteins within a cell, more balanced would be the water content present in it. Drop in the levels of proteins results in fluid imbalance which may lead to the deviation of acidity or ‘ph’ value in the body from the normal range. Fluid imbalance in the blood may result in leakage of fluid in the blood vessels and get accumulated in the tissues causing edema. Fluid balance in the body is also important for other functions such as functioning of muscles and nerve cells.
Source of energy: Proteins can also benefit the body by being a source of energy. Consumption of the diet which fails to provide enough energy to the body such as during starvation or weight-loss programs causes the body to use its own functional proteins in order to compensate. As the body does not store extra proteins, enzymes and muscle proteins break down to yield amino acids to provide energy or synthesize glucose and ensure continuous supply of energy to the cells.
Healthy hair: Proteins helps in maintaining healthy hair and protects them from damage. Studies conducted in this regard have advocated the role of proteins as a modulator of hair growth. Attributing to these beneficial effects, proteins are widely used in the manufacturing of hair care products such as conditioners.
Enzymes and hormones: Enzymes are protein catalysts which play an important role in all the biochemical processes and reactions occurring in the body. Without altering themselves, these enzymes accelerate the rate of all the chemical events. The performance of the chemical processes depends upon the measure of enzymes present in the body. Slower rate of reactions and processes indicate a deficit of necessary enzymes in the body. Various protein hormones such as insulin, growth hormone and glucagon also comprise of amino acids which play an important role in various functions operating in the body.
Molecular transportation: Another major task performed by proteins is the transportation and storage of various substances across the cell membranes. This is vital for smooth flow of blood and nourishment of the body. For instance, passage of oxygen in the red blood cells is done by an important protein called hemoglobin. Another protein called ferritin is responsible for storing iron and blood in the liver.
Healthy skin: Proteins are also responsible for extending mechanical support and strength to various tissues which suffer from constant wear and tear such as skin. Collagen is an important and abundant fibrous protein which provides strength to the cells, tissues and organ such as skin which needs to be revitalized on a continuous basis. A study conducted on UV-irradiated subjects has revealed positive results of collagen with respect to restoration of dermal collagen protein synthesis. The healthy, low wrinkled and youthful appearance of the skin largely depends on the levels of collagen protein in the body.
Cell and tissue regeneration: Renewal and restoration of cells and tissues is extremely vital for the maintenance of the healthy body. The body needs constant supply of amino acids for formation of proteins that manufacture new cells and tissues such as nails, hair and skin. The cells present in the digestive system, skin and blood do not last for more than couple of weeks and begin to perish. That’s the time for the creation and replenishment of new and healthy cells to replace the deceased ones. This process of revival of new cells and tissues performed by proteins help sustain good health. Proteins are also used for manufacturing of cell regenerative medicines.
Mechanical support for joints: As already mentioned, the body contains a structured protein called collagen which helps in providing structural scaffolding to the cells. Collagen also helps in sustaining bone health. Individuals doing heavy exercises and athletes working out for multiple hours depend upon the body’s ability to produce collagen in order to prevent the joints from injury and keep them healthy and strong. A recent study conducted in this regard has advocated the efficacy of collagen protein in the treatment of inflammatory conditions such as osteoarthritis.
Your body needs nitrogen to make proteins in your muscles, skin, blood, hair, nails and DNA. You obtain nitrogen from protein-containing foods in your diet, according to the Royal Society of Chemistry. These foods include meat, fish, legumes, nuts, eggs, milk and other dairy products.
How It Works
Your body needs the nitrogen in amino acids from protein foods to make other amino acids it uses to synthesize human proteins, according to Virtual Chembook at Elmhurst College. Not only do your various tissues contain protein, your metabolic processes depend upon enzymes, all of which consist of various kinds of proteins. The nucleic acid DNA, which makes up your genes, and RNA, which is involved in protein synthesis, also contain nitrogen.
Normal growth, cell replacement and tissue repair all require nitrogen for production of new cells. Although nitrogen is abundant in the environment, humans cannot directly use it from the air or soil, but instead depend on microbes and green plants to convert it into form our bodies can use. Your body is constantly recycling nitrogen from amino acids. If amino acids are not used for protein synthesis, they can be broken into components, including nitrogen, to produce energy. Nitrogen can also be used to make other types of compounds that aren't proteins, such as the heme in hemoglobin, which carries oxygen in red blood cells.
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The health benefits of copper include proper growth of the body, efficient utilization of iron, proper enzymatic reactions, as well as improved health of connective tissues, hair, and eyes. Copper is also integral for preventing premature aging and increasing energy production. Apart from these, regulated heart rhythm, balanced thyroid glands, reduced symptoms of arthritis, quick wound healing, increased red blood cell formation, and reduced cholesterol are other health benefits of copper.
The health benefits of copper are crucial for an overall healthy existence, as this mineral enables normal metabolic process in association with amino acids and vitamins. Copper cannot be produced within the body and therefore needs to be added from external food sources. Copper is the third most prevalent mineral in the body and it is mostly carried by the blood plasma protein, Ceruloplasmin. In order to enjoy the health benefits of copper, it must be included in the daily diet, as it is used up in daily bodily processes.
Symptoms of Copper Deficiency
A deficiency of copper can have the following symptoms in human beings:
Low body temperature
Brittle bones
Dilated veins
Low white blood cell count
Uneven heartbeat
Elevated cholesterol levels
Low resistance to infections
Birth defects
Low skin pigmentation
Thyroid disorders
Some of the other symptoms include lethargy, paleness, sores, edema, stunted growth, hair loss, anorexia, diarrhea, bleeding under the skin and dermatitis. In infant boys, inherited copper deficiency of the rare Menkes’ syndrome can happen, where natural absorption of copper becomes impossible. Early medical intervention is essential in such cases.
Iron (Fe)
The health benefits of iron mainly include its job of providing life-giving oxygen to organ systems through its role in red blood cell production. About two-thirds of the body’s iron is found in hemoglobin. Other health benefits of iron are the reduction of iron deficiency anemia, anemia of chronic disease, cough, anemia in pregnancy, predialysis anemia and many other varieties.
The health benefits of iron relate to the proper growth of human body and maintenance of robust health. It is an essential protein component for metabolism, and the human body needs iron to produce red blood cells. The human body is capable of preserving up to 25% of iron for future use, especially in the cases of inadequate diet intake, which is a backup plan for reducing the impact of anemia, if iron intake suddenly declines.
In the body, about 70% of iron is found in hemoglobin and myoglobin. Hemoglobin is the primary transporter of oxygen from the lungs to the body’s tissues, while myoglobin is in muscle cells, and makes acceptance, storage, transportation, and release of oxygen possible in those cells. About 5% of iron is found as components of various proteins and as necessary elements in certain enzymatic reactions. Finally, up to 25% of the body’s iron is stored in ferritin, which is in the cells and circulating in the bloodstream. Ferritin can store up to three years’ worth of iron supplementation for men, but only about one year’s worth for women, which is why anemia is more common in females. The role and importance of iron cannot be overestimated, primarily because the deficiency is so unpleasant and dangerous; let’s take a closer look at it below.
Iron Deficiency Symptoms
Iron deficiency may often cause severe fatigue, body weakness, and other related health ailments. People lacking iron cannot perform normal functions in an optimal way. Furthermore, women and children need more iron than their male counterparts, and anemia strikes them particularly hard. Severe iron deficiency may cause progressive skin ailments that cause brittleness of nails and extra smoothness in the tongue area. The enzymatic processes that require iron and the proteins that need it as a building block or co-factor will not be able to occur, and the body metabolism can slow or even shut down. Anemia is considered the most common global nutritional deficiency.
Important Sources of Iron
Iron is found in both vegetarian and non-vegetarian foods, which is classified as heme or non-heme iron, respectively. Legumes, lentils, soy beans, whole grains, green leafy vegetables, cereals, bread, spinach, turnip, sprouts, broccoli and dry fruits also have good iron content. You can also get iron tablets and supplements. Anemic patients are often advised by doctors to take supplementary iron tablets or tonics. Food items containing good levels of vitamin-C may also aid in the absorption of iron by the body. For example, eating a burger with tomato slices on it could boost the absorption of non-heme iron contents from the burger bread. Citrus fruits and juices like orange juice may also help in iron absorption.
Health Benefits of Iron
Iron, when consumed in a balanced amount in the human diet, is perfect for providing a number of benefits, which are explained in greater detail below.
Hemoglobin Formation: Formation of hemoglobin is the chief function of this mineral. Not only that, since iron is a part of hemoglobin, it gives the dark shade of red to the blood and also aids in transporting oxygen to the body cells. Additional hemoglobin is vitally important because human beings tend to lose blood in various ways, through injuries, both internal and external. Most notably, women lose considerable amounts of blood every month during their menstruation years, which is one of the major reasons why women are more likely to suffer from anemia than men.
Muscle Function: Iron is a vital element for muscle health. It is present in the muscle tissues and helps to provide the supply of oxygen required for contraction of muscles. Without iron, muscles lose their tone and elasticity; muscle weakness is one of the most obvious signs of anemia.
Brain Function: Increased development of the brain is also one of the many benefits of iron. Since oxygen supply in the blood is aided by iron and the brain uses approximately 20% of the blood oxygen, iron is directly related to brain health and its functions. Proper flow of blood in the brain can stimulate cognitive activity and help to create new neural pathways to prevent cognitive disorders like dementia and Alzheimer’s disease, so proper iron intake and its subsequent brain oxygenation is essential.
Restless Leg Syndrome: Iron deficiency is one of the causes of the restless leg syndrome. Most research on this syndrome has concentrated on iron. Low levels of iron in the blood are a major cause of the condition, so proper intake of iron supplements in required levels as per doctor’s recommendations can cure this problem. This is connected to muscle spasms, which can be one of the symptoms of iron deficiency.
Regulation of Body Temperature: Iron is an important facilitator for regulating body temperature. An interesting fact is that it has the ability to regulate as per the absorption capacity of the body. Keeping the body temperature stable means that enzymatic and metabolic functions can happen in their most optimal and efficient environments and temperatures.
Oxygen Carrier: One of the most important health benefits of iron is that it acts as a carrier of oxygen and thus participates in transferring oxygen from one body cell to other. This is a vital function of iron, as oxygen is required by each and every organ system to perform routine functions.
Iron Deficiency Anemia: Iron is helpful in the treatment of a severe disorder called iron deficiency anemia, which results from a lack of iron in the human body. This is where most of these health benefits come from, as a result of preventing this terrible disease that affects millions of people around the world. It is the most common nutritional deficiency on the planet.
Chronic Diseases: Iron also helps in the treatment of chronic disorders like renal failure anemia, and other chronic diseases of the intestinal and excretory system. These are not related to blood necessarily, like most other iron functions, but remember, iron is still a key part of many necessary processes throughout the body’s systems, not just the circulatory system.
Anemia in Women: Iron may also exhibit its health benefits in curing anemia that occurs in women during pregnancy or menstruation. New red blood cells must replace those that have been lost, so consuming significant amounts of iron is necessary for those women at those points in their lives.
Neurotransmitter Synthesis: Iron actively takes part in the synthesis of a number of essential neurotransmitters like dopamine, norepinephrine, and serotonin. These chemicals play a major role in different activities involving neurons and the human brain.
Predialysis Anemia: It is suggested by health experts that iron is capable of treating another form of anemia called predialysis anemia. However, it is a good idea to consult a medical expert to get treatment for this problem, as it can be very complicated and dangerous.
Fatigue: Health benefits of iron also include the elimination of unexplained or chronic fatigue, which may occur in both men and women. Iron deficiency is a natural cause of fatigue since it is an important component of hemoglobin. So, the inclusion of iron in your diet keeps you fit, healthy, and energetic, both internally and in your external life.
Immune System: Iron also plays a key role in providing strength to the immune system of the human body. Thus, the body is made proficient enough to fight against a number of diseases and infections. Red blood cells are necessary for providing oxygen to damaged tissues, organs, and cells. Without iron, there would be no hemoglobin; without hemoglobin, there would be no oxygen. The healing process needs iron to happen!
Energy Metabolism: Iron is an important participant of energy metabolism in human body. This process is how energy is extracted from the consumed food and subsequently distributed to different body parts.
Enzyme Systems: Iron happens to be the most important constituent of various enzymatic systems and other important constituents like myoglobin, cytochromes and catalase. Without these functioning properly, a number of organ systems would slow down or shut down completely.
Insomnia: Iron is also useful in treating insomnia in the human body and also improves the sleeping habits and quality of people by regulating their circadian rhythms. Proper red blood cell count can also result in less fluctuation of blood pressure, which can often keep people awake at night.
Concentration: Iron, when consumed in sufficient amounts, can help focus concentration and energy, which will boost cognitive and mental performance. Increased flow of blood to the brain due to iron’s red blood cell activity is what results in this important benefit.
Sodium (Na)
Sodium is an extremely important electrolyte and an essential ion present in the extracellular fluid (ECF). One of the health benefits of sodium is the pivotal role it plays in enzyme operations and muscle contraction. It is very important for osmoregulation and fluid maintenance within the human body. Some other health benefits of sodium include improved heart performance, nervous system and glucose absorption.
Sodium is the primary ion and electrolyte within the body, and it is needed for blood regulation. Serious impairment of bodily function is caused due to the absence of sodium. It is a versatile element and occurs in more than eighty different forms. As an electrolyte, it regulates the bodily fluids and transmits electrical impulses in the body. Unlike other vitamins and minerals, heat has no effect on sodium. Therefore, it can be used in different ways and preparations without losing its effects. Also, it is an important constituent of nerves and helps regulate muscle contractions.
Although sodium is an essential nutrient in any balanced diet, it can also cause stomach cancer and hypertension. People suffering from kidney problems or edema should restrict their intake of sodium to protect against those health risks.
In short, sodium is a vital component in the human diet for the regulation of cellular activity and nervous system function. Supplemental doses of sodium are necessary when you sweat profusely, have sunstroke, or suffer from adrenal insufficiency. Sodium is regularly excreted in the urine, and poses no inherent toxicity or risk.
Deficiency Symptoms of Sodium
The recommended intake of sodium is 2400mg/day. If you do not supply your body with enough sodium, the deficiency symptoms can range from irritating to fatal. One of the most seriously impacted areas of the body is the nervous system, which will begin to shut down. In general, sodium deficiency leads to the following:
Low blood pressure
Weight loss
Muscular irritability
While the deficiency of sodium is dangerous, an excess of sodium can also cause high blood pressure, swelling of the neural tissues and nerves, and cerebral edema. If the situation is not alleviated, it can even lead to a coma.
Reduction in the amount of sodium also reduces the fat accumulated in the peripheral parts of the body. Furthermore, excess sodium elevates the chances of lung infection. Depletion of the level of sodium is an invitation to a host of diseases that can cause exhaustion, exertion and mental apathy.
Important Sources of Sodium
Some of the best sources of sodium are apples, common salt, homemade soups, cabbage, egg yolks, pulses, and bananas. Even carrots, baking powder and baking soda, turnips, leafy vegetables and dried peas are good sources. Processed cheese, smoked fish, salty meats, snacks, pickles and sauce contains ample amount of sodium, but they also come with other health concerns.
Health Benefits of Sodium
Sodium is generally present in very small quantities in nearly every natural food. When it is added in form of common salt, it not only increases the flavor, but also completes the necessary requirement of balanced diet. The health benefits of sodium include:
Water Balance: Sodium is one of the minerals that helps to regulate fluid levels in the human body. Sodium and water balance are closely linked. Sodium gateways and channels are what pump water into the cell and regulate the amount of extracellular fluid in the body.
Sunstroke: It is caused due to the failure of the heat regulating system in the human body. This form of heat exhaustion is caused due to continuous exposure to very high temperatures. This exposure causes the body to lose its capacity to maintain normal temperature. This condition is further aggravated due to the loss of salt and water from the body. Thus, sodium plays a vital role in preventing sun stroke or heat exhaustion by replacing the loss of essential electrolytes. Besides water, drinking fluids containing salt and sugar is favorable against sunstroke. Salt can also be mixed with the juice of raw mangoes to provide even more relief. Sodium levels and fluid balance are very important for endurance athletes as well as those who live extremely active lifestyles.
Brain Function: The brain is very sensitive to change in sodium levels of the body; deficiency of sodium often manifests as confusion and lethargy. Sodium aids in keeping the mind sharp, and it is an important element for the development of the brain, since sodium works to improve brain function.
Muscle Cramps: These are caused mostly during the hot summer months due to electrolyte imbalance and dehydration. Along with properly hydrating the body, it is also important to supplement one’s body with sodium-rich juices and fluids to restore the amount of electrolytes.
Anti-aging: Sodium is an important hydrating product contained in many anti-aging creams. It defends against the free radicals that accelerate the aging process. Furthermore, it helps to restore youthful and healthy skin.
Eliminates Excess Carbon Dioxide: Sodium plays an important role in the removal of any excess carbon dioxide that has accumulated in the body.
Regulates Glucose Absorption: Sodium helps to facilitate the absorption of glucose by cells, resulting in the smooth transportation of nutrients in the body’s cell membranes.
Maintains Acid/Base Balance: By altering the proportions of acid-base alkali phosphates in the body, sodium controls the reaction of the kidneys and the frequency and content of urination.
Regulation of Fluids: One of the most notable health benefits of sodium is its ability to balance the osmotic pressure in the human body due to the regulation of fluid in the body’s cells.
Balance of Ions: Sodium shares an association with chlorides and bicarbonates in maintaining a sound balance between two types of ions, both positively charged ions and negatively charged ones.
Maintains Heart Health: Sodium can help to maintain normal contractions of the heart. It plays a vital role in maintaining the blood pressure of the human body, but an excessive increase in sodium content can dramatically boost the blood pressure and result in serious health complications.
Proteins are a group of biological compounds which are present in every live cell, organ and tissue of the body. It is there in the form of enzymes, antibodies, hormones and much more. Meaning ‘first’ or ‘of prime importance’ in Greek, proteins participate in every cellular process occurring in the body. Proteins are responsible for the formation, regulation, repair and protection of the body of each organism. It executes a range of functions within living beings including catalysis of enzymes, DNA replication communication and coordination within the cells, molecular transportation from one location to another.
Health benefits of proteins include production and smooth functioning of enzymes and hormones and provide cellular and muscular health. It facilitates molecular transportation, cell repair and regeneration and provides mechanical and structural support to the bones and skin. Consumption of adequate protein ensures strong immune defense, efficient signaling of nerves and impulses, healthy hair and maintenance of fluid balance in the body. Protein can also turn into an energy provider when required by the body.
Sources of proteins
Good sources of proteins are not hard to find for both vegetarians and non-vegetarians. Vegetarians can choose from nuts, seeds, soy products like tofu, dairy products and legumes including variety of beans such as pinto beans, kidney beans, garbanzo beans, and split peas. Meat eaters can choose from eggs, turkey, cooked lean meat and fish.
Nutritional value of Proteins
The amount of amino acids present in proteins determines the nutritional value of a protein which may vary for different foods. For instance, soy products and animal proteins contain all essential amino acids whereas; the plant proteins are generally deficient in few amino acids. It is advisable for the people following strictly vegetarian or vegan diet to include and combine various foods with a range of amino acids to fulfill their daily requirement.
Health benefits of proteins
Muscular health: Proteins play an important role in muscle contraction and coordination. Proteins are present in the muscle tissues in the form of many microfilaments and provide muscle structure. Muscle growth depends on the adequacy of proteins in the body. It is extremely important to create a balance between the rate of muscle protein synthesis and the breakdown of these muscle proteins. The rate of breakdown of muscle proteins varies depending upon specific conditions for example, the requirement of protein is different during old age, when the breakdown of muscles accelerates and is different for strength trainers who would also need to consider perfect timing along with the amount of protein intake.
Immune defense: Proteins are vital for the building stronger immune system.The body runs a mechanism of self-defense and protects itself from various infections and diseases with the help of antibodies. These antibodies are specific proteins which have the ability to detect foreign elements also known as antigens. The body responds to the antigens by the production of specific antibodies and deactivates it.
Nerve signaling: Another important task performed by proteins is the smooth functioning of nervous system. The nervous system of the body is activated whenever it is triggered and in turn responds with an appropriate reaction. The receptor sites present in the nervous system, which are accountable for the prompt response comprises of protein complexes. These receptor proteins assist in the transmission of nerve signals within the cells and regulate the central nervous system.
Fluid equilibrium: Balancing and regulation of fluids present in the body is another critical task performed by the proteins attributing to their effect on osmosis. As water is drawn towards the protein, better the quantity of proteins within a cell, more balanced would be the water content present in it. Drop in the levels of proteins results in fluid imbalance which may lead to the deviation of acidity or ‘ph’ value in the body from the normal range. Fluid imbalance in the blood may result in leakage of fluid in the blood vessels and get accumulated in the tissues causing edema. Fluid balance in the body is also important for other functions such as functioning of muscles and nerve cells.
Source of energy: Proteins can also benefit the body by being a source of energy. Consumption of the diet which fails to provide enough energy to the body such as during starvation or weight-loss programs causes the body to use its own functional proteins in order to compensate. As the body does not store extra proteins, enzymes and muscle proteins break down to yield amino acids to provide energy or synthesize glucose and ensure continuous supply of energy to the cells.
Healthy hair: Proteins helps in maintaining healthy hair and protects them from damage. Studies conducted in this regard have advocated the role of proteins as a modulator of hair growth. Attributing to these beneficial effects, proteins are widely used in the manufacturing of hair care products such as conditioners.
Enzymes and hormones: Enzymes are protein catalysts which play an important role in all the biochemical processes and reactions occurring in the body. Without altering themselves, these enzymes accelerate the rate of all the chemical events. The performance of the chemical processes depends upon the measure of enzymes present in the body. Slower rate of reactions and processes indicate a deficit of necessary enzymes in the body. Various protein hormones such as insulin, growth hormone and glucagon also comprise of amino acids which play an important role in various functions operating in the body.
Molecular transportation: Another major task performed by proteins is the transportation and storage of various substances across the cell membranes. This is vital for smooth flow of blood and nourishment of the body. For instance, passage of oxygen in the red blood cells is done by an important protein called hemoglobin. Another protein called ferritin is responsible for storing iron and blood in the liver.
Healthy skin: Proteins are also responsible for extending mechanical support and strength to various tissues which suffer from constant wear and tear such as skin. Collagen is an important and abundant fibrous protein which provides strength to the cells, tissues and organ such as skin which needs to be revitalized on a continuous basis. A study conducted on UV-irradiated subjects has revealed positive results of collagen with respect to restoration of dermal collagen protein synthesis. The healthy, low wrinkled and youthful appearance of the skin largely depends on the levels of collagen protein in the body.
Cell and tissue regeneration: Renewal and restoration of cells and tissues is extremely vital for the maintenance of the healthy body. The body needs constant supply of amino acids for formation of proteins that manufacture new cells and tissues such as nails, hair and skin. The cells present in the digestive system, skin and blood do not last for more than couple of weeks and begin to perish. That’s the time for the creation and replenishment of new and healthy cells to replace the deceased ones. This process of revival of new cells and tissues performed by proteins help sustain good health. Proteins are also used for manufacturing of cell regenerative medicines.
Mechanical support for joints: As already mentioned, the body contains a structured protein called collagen which helps in providing structural scaffolding to the cells. Collagen also helps in sustaining bone health. Individuals doing heavy exercises and athletes working out for multiple hours depend upon the body’s ability to produce collagen in order to prevent the joints from injury and keep them healthy and strong. A recent study conducted in this regard has advocated the efficacy of collagen protein in the treatment of inflammatory conditions such as osteoarthritis.
Your body needs nitrogen to make proteins in your muscles, skin, blood, hair, nails and DNA. You obtain nitrogen from protein-containing foods in your diet, according to the Royal Society of Chemistry. These foods include meat, fish, legumes, nuts, eggs, milk and other dairy products.
How It Works
Your body needs the nitrogen in amino acids from protein foods to make other amino acids it uses to synthesize human proteins, according to Virtual Chembook at Elmhurst College. Not only do your various tissues contain protein, your metabolic processes depend upon enzymes, all of which consist of various kinds of proteins. The nucleic acid DNA, which makes up your genes, and RNA, which is involved in protein synthesis, also contain nitrogen.
Normal growth, cell replacement and tissue repair all require nitrogen for production of new cells. Although nitrogen is abundant in the environment, humans cannot directly use it from the air or soil, but instead depend on microbes and green plants to convert it into form our bodies can use. Your body is constantly recycling nitrogen from amino acids. If amino acids are not used for protein synthesis, they can be broken into components, including nitrogen, to produce energy. Nitrogen can also be used to make other types of compounds that aren't proteins, such as the heme in hemoglobin, which carries oxygen in red blood cells.
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Continuation of lack of adequate minerals and it risks to healthy living
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