The Risks of Manganese Deficiency
Magnesium is needed to keep muscle and nerve functions normal and to keep the heart beating rhythmically. It also helps to support a healthy immune system, and keeps bones strong. Magnesium is important in terms of regulating blood sugar levels, thereby promoting normal blood pressure. Magnesium also supports energy metabolism and protein synthesis. Magnesium has a positive effect on the treatment of disorders such as cardiovascular disease, hypertension, and diabetes. Dietary magnesium is absorbed in the small intestines and is excreted through the kidneys. Symptoms of Magnesium Deficiency:
Brain Function: Increased development of the brain is also one of the many benefits of iron. Since oxygen supply in the blood is aided by iron and the brain uses approximately 20% of the blood oxygen, iron is directly related to brain health and its functions. Proper flow of blood in the brain can stimulate cognitive activity and help to create new neural pathways to prevent cognitive disorders like dementia and Alzheimer’s disease, so proper iron intake and its subsequent brain oxygenation is essential.
Brain Function: The brain is very sensitive to change in sodium levels of the body; deficiency of sodium often manifests as confusion and lethargy. Sodium aids in keeping the mind sharp, and it is an important element for the development of the brain, since sodium works to improve brain function.
There is actually no recommended dietary allowance for manganese, but normally about 5 milligrams per day is enough. If you do not get enough manganese in your daily diet, you stand the risk of manganese deficiency. Deficiency in manganese leads to various health problems which may include bone malformation, eye and hearing problems, high cholesterol levels, hypertension, infertility, weakness, heart disorders, memory loss, muscle contraction, tremors, seizures and so on.
Magnesium is needed to keep muscle and nerve functions normal and to keep the heart beating rhythmically. It also helps to support a healthy immune system, and keeps bones strong. Magnesium is important in terms of regulating blood sugar levels, thereby promoting normal blood pressure. Magnesium also supports energy metabolism and protein synthesis. Magnesium has a positive effect on the treatment of disorders such as cardiovascular disease, hypertension, and diabetes. Dietary magnesium is absorbed in the small intestines and is excreted through the kidneys. Symptoms of Magnesium Deficiency:
Pain in the neck and back, anxiety, fatigue, migraine attacks, muscle weakness and spasms, loss of appetite, vomiting, nausea, insomnia, abnormal heart rhythms, diarrhea, muscle twitching and Raynaud’s spastic vessels.
Health benefits of mangnesium: Prevents Asthma – Patients that suffer from chronic asthma may be able to normalize their breathing with the help of magnesium supplements that aid in relaxing the bronchial muscles and regulating breathing. Even wheezing and breathlessness can be relieved through administration of intravenous magnesium.
Keeps bones healthy – Magnesium is directly related to bone density, and subsequently, an inadequacy of this mineral in the body can be a cause of osteoporosis. Magnesium helps in the regulation of calcium levels in the body, along with vitamin D, copper, and zinc. Magnesium, along with calcium and Vitamin D, should be taken throughout the developmental years and adulthood, since it eliminates the chances of developing osteoporosis when you get older.
Essential during pregnancy – Magnesium is one of the vital elements to ensure a healthy pregnancy. Proper intake of magnesium supplements during pregnancy is extremely beneficial for reducing the risk of osteoporosis and increasing the pain tolerance level, thereby resulting in a smooth delivery process and an optimization of blood pressure. Magnesium sulfate is the best treatment for preventing eclamptic seizures in expectant mothers who may have hypertension.
Treats back pain and cramps – Magnesium helps treating people with severe backaches by relaxing back muscles, kidney stress and muscular tension. As mentioned earlier, magnesium also helps in the body’s absorption of calcium, which may lead to faster healing of the bones. Symptoms of cramps in the legs, as well as general fatigue are traditional symptoms of magnesium deficiency. Therefore, proper intake of magnesium supplements acts as a cure for chronic leg cramp problems.
Prevents heart attack – Deficiency of magnesium can result in heart disease, often leading to fatal results. Deficiency of magnesium brings a long list of hazards to your heart. Magnesium protects the heart from irregular heartbeats and tenderly shields your heart from damage, particularly from muscle stress. Magnesium actually calms the nerves and mediates digestive processes and prevents problems like vomiting, cramps, indigestion, abdominal pain, flatulence, and constipation, all of which can put undue stress on various parts of your cardiovascular system.
Prevents constipation – Magnesium provides quick relief from constipation, and a high dose of water-soluble magnesium supplements is known to bring sound relief for even the most severe constipated state. This laxative property of magnesium relaxes the intestinal muscles, thereby helping to establish a smoother rhythm while passing bowels. Magnesium also has another property of attracting water, which in turn softens the stool and helps it to pass easily.
Prevents diabetes and regulates sugar level – The health benefits of magnesium extend to diabetic patients also, as this mineral helps to regulate the insulin reaction to blood sugar levels. Magnesium supplements are vital for all diabetic patients as many of them suffer from magnesium deficiency. Magnesium aids in regulating blood sugar status, thus promoting normal blood pressure. Hypertension is one of the major reasons for an impending heart attack, and it has been found that many people with high blood pressure also have a magnesium deficiency. Therefore, extra nutrients and mineral supplements with magnesium content are vital in order to avoid any medical complications.
Cures psychiatric disorders – Magnesium is known to cure some of the worst forms of psychiatric dysfunctions such as panic attacks, stress, anxiety and undue agitation.
Cures migraines – Migraine attacks badly affect many Americans, especially, females. Magnesium supplements and liquids considerably reduce the severity of such attacks and may also help in reducing the rate of recurrence.
Produces collagen – Magnesium is important for producing proteins that are slowly transformed into collagen. Collagens are naturally occurring proteins mostly found in fibrous tissues like tendons, ligaments and the skin. It is also present in the cornea, bones, the gut, cartilage, blood vessels, and intervertebral discs. The more collagen in the system, the stronger those areas of the body will become.
Absorb minerals – Magnesium helps to absorb vital vitamins and minerals like sodium, calcium, potassium and phosphorus. Mineral absorption usually occurs within the small intestine and this benefit of magnesium ensures the detoxification of many harmful toxins in our body.
Activates enzymes – Magnesium also helps to boost the energy production in the body and it promotes the activation of enzymes to create cellular energy.
Controls bladder functions – Many people who have blabber problems and suffer from the frequent urge to urinate may find relief by taking magnesium supplements. Urination problems can come from a variety of reasons such as nephritis, infections, or sometimes interstitial cystitis; however, regular intake of magnesium can bring great relief to these ailments.
Zinc Deficiency Symptoms
Growth retardation
Low blood pressure
Retarded bone growth
Loss of appetite
Loss of smell and taste senses
Rough skin/Pale Skin
Weight loss
Hair loss
White spots under finger nails.
Health benefits of Zinc: Skin Care: Studies have shown zinc to be an effective home remedy for curing pimples and acne. The consumption of antibiotic medication is still considered to be more effective, but the side effects and potential hormonal imbalance that those medicines can cause also must be considered. Also, since one of zinc’s most vital functions is to stimulate white blood cell function. White blood cells are integral in the healing process and can defend the body against a number of infections, including those that commonly attack canker sores, ulcers, burns, surgical incisions, and other various wounds. Zinc is also required for the production of collagen, a connective tissue that is required for skin repair and regrowth.
Eczema: Also called “atopic dermatitis”, eczema is an inflammatory and chronic disorder of the skin, and it is mainly caused by deficiency of zinc in the body. Zinc plays an important role in healing chronic infections and assists the body in restoring its ability to heal properly and completely. This irritation can be cleared up by re-balancing the zinc content in your blood.
Acne: This mineral is important for eliminating acne from the skin. It regulates and controls the amount of testosterone in the body, which plays a dominant role in causing acne. In addition to that, zinc is also involved in collagen synthesis. This further aids in normalizing the amount of skin oils and improves the maintenance of healthy skin. The open sores that come with acne are practically magnets for bacterial and viral infections, and zinc can stimulate the white blood cell count and reduce the chances of any type of infection. Finally, acne can leave permanent scars on people who suffer from the condition, and zinc can help to reduce the evidence of those scars.
Prostate disorder: Zinc is very important in dealing with prostate disorders. Zinc deficiency causes enlargement of the prostate gland and makes it vulnerable to cancer. It is advisable to take 15mg of zinc everyday, under close medical observation, when suffering from prostate disorder. Studies have shown a reduction in tumor growth in the prostate when normal levels of zinc are present in the system.
Cognitive Function: Recent research has shown zinc to have a strong impact on mental function, because it can pair up with vitamin B6 to ensure the proper function of neurotransmitters that communicate with the body. Zinc is also found in high concentrations in the hippocampus, which controls thought and memory. For those who have suffered from an injury, extra zinc will keep brain function strong, because the body naturally diverts zinc to the other parts of the body for healing purposes.
Sense of Smell and Taste: Zinc is one of the most important elements for a healthy life, but it has some very unique benefits as well, including the improvement of the senses of taste and smell. Taste buds and olfactory cells are zinc-reliant, and it is necessary for the proper development and growth of those specific cells. Studies have shown that raising zinc levels can heighten these two senses, because they are finally functioning at optimal levels.
Cold: Zinc supplements help in decreasing the severity and duration of colds and other mild illnesses. It reduces the amount of pro-inflammatory cytokines, which aggravate the body during colds or other infections. Also, zinc’s ability to stimulate white blood cell activity makes it ideal for reducing colds and infections.
Weight loss: Zinc plays a leading role in weight loss for obese individuals. A number of studies have connected zinc with a decrease in appetite, which prevents overeating. This is related to zinc’s manipulation of the ghrelin hormone, which tells the body when it wants to eat.
Pregnancy: Zinc is essential for the repair and functioning of DNA. It is essential for rapid growth of cells and for the building of major constituents of the cell over the course of a pregnancy. So much development and enzymatic activity takes place during pregnancy that zinc is one of the most important nutrients for infants and mothers.
Reproduction: In males, zinc assists in spermatogenesis and the development of the sex organs, while in females, zinc aids in all the reproductive phases, including the parturition and lactation stages. When it comes to sperm, zinc acts in a number of ways. First of all, it acts as a sort of sedative for the sperm so they don’t expend unnecessary energy. The zinc also protect the reproductive DNA inside the sperm from breaking down, so a correct transference of information is guaranteed. Once the sperm enters the female reproductive tract, it quickly dissipates and the sperm have a sudden burst of energy, which propels them up the tube. Finally, zinc is an essential part of the enzymes that allow sperm to penetrate the egg.
Biological Functions: Zinc plays a key role in many biological functions such as reproduction, diabetes control, stress level modulation, immune resistance, smell and taste, physical growth, appetite and digestion.
Infection: Zinc helps a person to sense tastes and smells, improves the rate of wound healing, boosts immunity and helps in promoting the fetus growth. Zinc helps in protecting against infectious disorders and fungal infections, which include pneumonia and conjunctivitis.
Antioxidant: Zinc acts as an antioxidant and is involved in some of the biochemically decisive reactions in the body, including protein synthesis, enzymatic function and carbohydrate metabolism. Since zinc is involved in so many integral systems and functions of the body, it cannot be stressed enough – You must have zinc in your diet!
Enzyme regulation: Zinc is an essential component in a number of enzymes that help in regulating cell growth, protein synthesis, hormonal level, DNA, regulating gene transcription, energy metabolism and other related functions.
Cancer: In males, zinc plays a vital role in the prostate gland and prevents premature damage or strain, which can lead to problems like cancer. The natural antioxidant properties of zinc means that it actively seeks out free radicals, the hazardous byproducts of cell metabolism that can cause a number of diseases. Free radicals can morph normal cells into cancerous cells by breaking down the DNA integrity so the elimination of free radicals by antioxidants is one of the most vital lines of defense against many kinds of cancer.
Chronic Fatigue: People suffering from chronic fatigue are usually told to consume fish oil, as it is rich in zinc. Many doctors suggest no other medications for curing chronic fatigue except to start consuming fish oil. Zinc must be doing something right! Zinc is integral for normal muscle function, and many researchers believe that muscle fatigue is one of the major causes of chronic fatigue. Therefore, zinc is the ideal supplement to boost your energy levels.
Alopecia: Alopecia causes loss of hair in both children and adults. Doctors often tell people suffering from this condition to seriously boost their intake of zinc in their diet. Since zinc is so beneficial for hair strength and integrity, the symptoms of alopecia can sometimes be diminished. You can access zinc supplements and capsules in almost all health food stores and groceries. studies have shown that zinc is somewhat more effective on treating childhood alopecia that the conditions of adults.
Bone loss: This is a condition when the bones become weak and fragile. Zinc is a component of hydroxyapatite, which is a salt and makes the bone matrix strong and hard. For this reason, zinc should be added in your dietary plan to avoid bone loss, particularly as you get older, or if you show any signs of premature aging or osteoporosis.
Night blindness: Consuming Zinc in quantities of about 150-450 mg will help to improve your vision. Therefore, it is always recommended to consume food like beef, lamb, oysters, buckwheat and crabs as they are rich in zinc content and will improve the ability to see, and is particularly helpful for those suffering from night blindness. Vitamin-A, which is an essential part of improving night vision, stimulates certain enzymes that couldn’t function without zinc, therefore making it a necessary element in reducing night blindness.
Health benefits of vitamin K: Osteoporosis: The major symptom of osteoporosis is the reduction of bone density. It typically occurs after the age of fifty and is found in many post-menopausal women. It causes many complications and progresses silently when kept untreated for a number of years. After years of this gradual bone loss, the symptoms and signs of osteoporosis appear, such as spinal deformity, fractures and pain. It is around the ages between 20 and 30 that an individual’s bone mass decrease starts occurring. This is the time when bones start reaching their maximum strength and density. After this peak time, bone building starts to wane. For women, maximum bone loss starts occurring after menopause, when the estrogen levels decline. The intake of leafy vegetables, collard greens, broccoli, spinach, brussels sprouts and lettuce, all of which are rich in Vitamin K, is essential for the body. Even cow milk is good and rich in Vitamin K.
Blood Clotting: Another primary function of Vitamin K is to regulate blood clotting, due to the role in amalgamation of prothrombium. This is an automatic process that happens at the time of injury due to tears in blood vessels. Blood clotting consists of a set of molecules, which are continuously circulating through the bloodstream. Vitamin K helps in the regulation of blood clotting by transporting calcium around the body. Protein Z helps in enhancing the action done by thrombin so as to promote an association with phospholipids that are present in cell membranes. Vitamin K2 helps in improving blood disorders called myelodyplastic syndromes.
Excessive Menstrual flow: A woman experiencing excess menstrual bleeding would be deficient in Vitamin K. This will help in reducing the blood flow out of the body.
Internal Bleeding: Vitamin K helps in reducing the threat of bleeding in the liver, poor nutrient absorption, jaundice or the combination of long term use of antibiotics or aspirin. Some of the problems associated with the gastrointestinal system due to a decrease of this vitamin include obstructions, sprue, Crohn’s disease, and colitis. These are due to a reduced content of Vitamin K.
Menstrual pain: Vitamin K helps in the proper functioning of the hormones at the right time for regular periods, which will help in reducing menstrual pain.
Pregnant Women: Pregnant women suffering from vomiting and nausea are often deficient in Vitamin K. This Vitamin intake will show good results by providing relief in less than seventy two hours and preventing mild forms of these symptoms in the future.
Hemorrhaging in Babies: This vitamin is injected into newborns to prevent hemorrhaging. Vitamin K is even essential for asthmatic children, and can be treated through continuous intake of oral drops of this vitamin.
Biliary Obtrusion: Prolonged treatment with oral antibiotics causes biliary obstruction, celiac disease, regional enteritis and ulcerative colitis, and is made even worse due to a deficiency of vitamin K. Therefore, regular vitamin K intake can prevent these complications from occurring.
Healthy Digestive/Immune Systems: In order to boost Vitamin K levels, the intake of Young Coconut Kefir, Coco-Biotic, Raw Cultured Vegetables, Milk Kefir, Liquid Spirulina by a human body can be very beneficial. This will help in increasing the content of Vitamin K and protect the digestive and immune systems.
Regulation of Blood Sugar: This vitamin plays an important role in blood sugar regulation. The pancreas makes insulin and contains the second highest content of Vitamin K in the body.
Other Benefits: Vitamin K can increase the flow of urine, and relieve menstrual pain, cramps, excessive menstrual flow. It can also enhance the functioning of the liver, increase longevity and vitality, help in maintaining strong bones in the elderly, reduce fractures, maintain cardiac muscles, capillaries and blood vessels, and increase blood circulation in tissues and peripheral bodies. Vitamin K acts as a protein, which is seen to be one of the strong inhibitors of arterial calcification.
Symptoms of Calcium Deficiency
Recognizing calcium deficiency in the body is quite easy. It occurs when your muscles ache and twitch, or if you get sudden cramps and spasms. Also, if you suffer from palpitations, high blood pressure, osteoporosis, loose teeth and gum diseases, insomnia, premenstrual cramps, tetany, hypertension and arthritis, that may also indicate calcium deficiency. Often, many children suffer from rickets, where the bones become weak and flexible, they have bowed legs, sunken chests and beaded ribs. These children have not been nourished with calcium since birth. Thus, a regular calcium supply is very important in growing children and teenagers as it can substantially reduce the risks of osteoporosis in old age. This bone ailment is common in one out of every three women and in one man in every 12, above 50 years of age. Health benefits of Calcium: Strengthens Bones – Calcium strengthens the backbone and ensures the right shape to the body, as well as helping to alleviate the presence of back pain. Calcium helps to keep the bones in their proper shape and prevents many skeletal complaints like arthritis and osteoporosis, which could hamper your freedom of movement, as well as being extremely painful.
Prevents Obesity – Calcium efficiently helps in maintaining optimal body weight in both males and females. If there is any deficiency in calcium in your diet, the body will tend to release parathyroid hormone, which in turn stimulates the bones to release calcium into your blood stream. This maintains the balance. On the other side, parathyroid hormone also stimulates the production of fat and prevents its break down, which can subsequently make you obese. Basically, make sure that you are taking the right amount of calcium, but not too much, so that obesity does not creep in, alone with other related health hazards.
Protects Cardiac Muscles – Calcium protects your heart muscles. Sufficient amounts of calcium can help cardiac muscles to contract and relaxat properly. Calcium also helps the nervous system maintain the proper pressure in your arteries. If there is a calcium drop, a hormone called calcitrol is released, which contracts the smooth muscles of the arteries, thereby increasing the blood pressure. Cardiac muscles need extracellular calcium ions for contraction. When the intracellular concentration of calcium increases, the calcium ions gather together on the protein troponin. This stimulates the secretion of extracellular fluid and the intracellular stores, including that of the skeletal muscle, which is only activated by calcium stored in the sarcoplasmic reticulum.
Prevents Colon Cancer – Adequate calcium prevents overall risk of colon cancer and suppresses the growth of polyps that can lead to cancer. Calcium supplementation reduces the risk of adenomas, as well as nonmalignant tumors in the colon. This is actually a precursor to colon cancer, but it’s still not known if calcium intake minimizes the cancer risk completely. The excess calcium is left in your intestines after your body absorbs what it needs. On its way through the colon, this unabsorbed calcium is believed to bind with cancer promoters so they’re excreted together from the body. Studies have shown that both food sources of calcium and calcium supplements provide this protective effect. Calcium supplements should be taken in liquid form because liquid vitamins absorb 5 times better than the pills.
Prevents Premenstrual Depression – Adequate amounts of calcium lessen the symptoms of premenstrual syndrome like dizziness, mood swings, hypertension and many others. Low levels of calcium might trigger the release of the hormones that are responsible for premenstrual mood swings including irritability and depression.
Prevents Kidney Stones – Kidney Stones are actually crystallized deposits of calcium and other minerals in the human urinary tract. The most common form of kidney stones is oxalate stones. Previously, it was thought that high calcium intake or high calcium absorption develops kidney stones, but the latest studies show that high dietary calcium intake decreases the risk of kidney stones considerably. In short, dietary calcium does not cause kidney stones, but the excess calcium present in water results in kidney stones. Other factors like high oxalate consumption from leafy vegetables like kale and spinach, as well as reduced fluid consumption can prove to be a big cause for kidney stones.
Ensures a Healthy Alkaline pH Level- Junk foods, excess sugars, and preserved food items contribute in forming acidity in the body, which in turn could give rise to various disease conditions like cancer, kidney stones and hypertension. Calcium helps to maintain a healthy pH level, thereby improving your vitality and overall health.
Maintains Healthy Teeth and Gums – Calcium protects your teeth by keeping the jaw bone strong and sturdy throughout your life, which in turn ensures tight fitting teeth where bacteria cannot thrive. Thus, before your teeth and gums start giving you any trouble, be sure to maintain a calcium rich diet. Calcium intake should be high, especially at young ages, so that your children naturally grows up with strong teeth.
Helps in Transportation of Nutrients – Calcium helps in the easy movement of nutrients across cell membranes. Symptoms of Copper Deficiency
A deficiency of copper can have the following symptoms in human beings:
Low body temperature
Brittle bones
Dilated veins
Low white blood cell count
Uneven heartbeat
Elevated cholesterol levels
Low resistance to infections
Birth defects
Low skin pigmentation
Thyroid disorders
Some of the other symptoms include lethargy, paleness, sores, edema, stunted growth, hair loss, anorexia, diarrhea, bleeding under the skin and dermatitis. In infant boys, inherited copper deficiency of the rare Menkes’ syndrome can happen, where natural absorption of copper becomes impossible. Early medical intervention is essential in such cases.
The health benefits of copper include proper growth of the body, efficient utilization of iron, proper enzymatic reactions, as well as improved health of connective tissues, hair, and eyes. Copper is also integral for preventing premature aging and increasing energy production. Apart from these, regulated heart rhythm, balanced thyroid glands, reduced symptoms of arthritis, quick wound healing, increased red blood cell formation, and reduced cholesterol are other health benefits of copper.
Iron Deficiency Symptoms
Iron deficiency may often cause severe fatigue, body weakness, and other related health ailments. People lacking iron cannot perform normal functions in an optimal way. Furthermore, women and children need more iron than their male counterparts, and anemia strikes them particularly hard. Severe iron deficiency may cause progressive skin ailments that cause brittleness of nails and extra smoothness in the tongue area. The enzymatic processes that require iron and the proteins that need it as a building block or co-factor will not be able to occur, and the body metabolism can slow or even shut down. Anemia is considered the most common global nutritional deficiency.
Health benefits of Iron: Hemoglobin Formation: Formation of hemoglobin is the chief function of this mineral. Not only that, since iron is a part of hemoglobin, it gives the dark shade of red to the blood and also aids in transporting oxygen to the body cells. Additional hemoglobin is vitally important because human beings tend to lose blood in various ways, through injuries, both internal and external. Most notably, women lose considerable amounts of blood every month during their menstruation years, which is one of the major reasons why women are more likely to suffer from anemia than men.
Muscle Function: Iron is a vital element for muscle health. It is present in the muscle tissues and helps to provide the supply of oxygen required for contraction of muscles. Without iron, muscles lose their tone and elasticity; muscle weakness is one of the most obvious signs of anemia.
Brain Function: Increased development of the brain is also one of the many benefits of iron. Since oxygen supply in the blood is aided by iron and the brain uses approximately 20% of the blood oxygen, iron is directly related to brain health and its functions. Proper flow of blood in the brain can stimulate cognitive activity and help to create new neural pathways to prevent cognitive disorders like dementia and Alzheimer’s disease, so proper iron intake and its subsequent brain oxygenation is essential.
Restless Leg Syndrome: Iron deficiency is one of the causes of the restless leg syndrome. Most research on this syndrome has concentrated on iron. Low levels of iron in the blood are a major cause of the condition, so proper intake of iron supplements in required levels as per doctor’s recommendations can cure this problem. This is connected to muscle spasms, which can be one of the symptoms of iron deficiency.
Regulation of Body Temperature: Iron is an important facilitator for regulating body temperature. An interesting fact is that it has the ability to regulate as per the absorption capacity of the body. Keeping the body temperature stable means that enzymatic and metabolic functions can happen in their most optimal and efficient environments and temperatures.
Oxygen Carrier: One of the most important health benefits of iron is that it acts as a carrier of oxygen and thus participates in transferring oxygen from one body cell to other. This is a vital function of iron, as oxygen is required by each and every organ system to perform routine functions.
Iron Deficiency Anemia: Iron is helpful in the treatment of a severe disorder called iron deficiency anemia, which results from a lack of iron in the human body. This is where most of these health benefits come from, as a result of preventing this terrible disease that affects millions of people around the world. It is the most common nutritional deficiency on the planet.
Chronic Diseases: Iron also helps in the treatment of chronic disorders like renal failure anemia, and other chronic diseases of the intestinal and excretory system. These are not related to blood necessarily, like most other iron functions, but remember, iron is still a key part of many necessary processes throughout the body’s systems, not just the circulatory system.
Anemia in Women: Iron may also exhibit its health benefits in curing anemia that occurs in women during pregnancy or menstruation. New red blood cells must replace those that have been lost, so consuming significant amounts of iron is necessary for those women at those points in their lives.
Neurotransmitter Synthesis: Iron actively takes part in the synthesis of a number of essential neurotransmitters like dopamine, norepinephrine, and serotonin. These chemicals play a major role in different activities involving neurons and the human brain.
Predialysis Anemia: It is suggested by health experts that iron is capable of treating another form of anemia called predialysis anemia. However, it is a good idea to consult a medical expert to get treatment for this problem, as it can be very complicated and dangerous.
Fatigue: Health benefits of iron also include the elimination of unexplained or chronic fatigue, which may occur in both men and women. Iron deficiency is a natural cause of fatigue since it is an important component of hemoglobin. So, the inclusion of iron in your diet keeps you fit, healthy, and energetic, both internally and in your external life.
Immune System: Iron also plays a key role in providing strength to the immune system of the human body. Thus, the body is made proficient enough to fight against a number of diseases and infections. Red blood cells are necessary for providing oxygen to damaged tissues, organs, and cells. Without iron, there would be no hemoglobin; without hemoglobin, there would be no oxygen. The healing process needs iron to happen!
Energy Metabolism: Iron is an important participant of energy metabolism in human body. This process is how energy is extracted from the consumed food and subsequently distributed to different body parts.
Enzyme Systems: Iron happens to be the most important constituent of various enzymatic systems and other important constituents like myoglobin, cytochromes and catalase. Without these functioning properly, a number of organ systems would slow down or shut down completely.
Insomnia: Iron is also useful in treating insomnia in the human body and also improves the sleeping habits and quality of people by regulating their circadian rhythms. Proper red blood cell count can also result in less fluctuation of blood pressure, which can often keep people awake at night.
Concentration: Iron, when consumed in sufficient amounts, can help focus concentration and energy, which will boost cognitive and mental performance. Increased flow of blood to the brain due to iron’s red blood cell activity is what results in this important benefit. Deficiency Symptoms of Sodium:
The recommended intake of sodium is 2400mg/day. If you do not supply your body with enough sodium, the deficiency symptoms can range from irritating to fatal. One of the most seriously impacted areas of the body is the nervous system, which will begin to shut down. In general, sodium deficiency leads to the following:
Low blood pressure
Weight loss
Muscular irritability
While the deficiency of sodium is dangerous, an excess of sodium can also cause high blood pressure, swelling of the neural tissues and nerves, and cerebral edema. If the situation is not alleviated, it can even lead to a coma. Health Benefits of Sodium:
Water Balance: Sodium is one of the minerals that helps to regulate fluid levels in the human body. Sodium and water balance are closely linked. Sodium gateways and channels are what pump water into the cell and regulate the amount of extracellular fluid in the body.
Sunstroke: It is caused due to the failure of the heat regulating system in the human body. This form of heat exhaustion is caused due to continuous exposure to very high temperatures. This exposure causes the body to lose its capacity to maintain normal temperature. This condition is further aggravated due to the loss of salt and water from the body. Thus, sodium plays a vital role in preventing sun stroke or heat exhaustion by replacing the loss of essential electrolytes. Besides water, drinking fluids containing salt and sugar is favorable against sunstroke. Salt can also be mixed with the juice of raw mangoes to provide even more relief. Sodium levels and fluid balance are very important for endurance athletes as well as those who live extremely active lifestyles.
Brain Function: The brain is very sensitive to change in sodium levels of the body; deficiency of sodium often manifests as confusion and lethargy. Sodium aids in keeping the mind sharp, and it is an important element for the development of the brain, since sodium works to improve brain function.
Muscle Cramps: These are caused mostly during the hot summer months due to electrolyte imbalance and dehydration. Along with properly hydrating the body, it is also important to supplement one’s body with sodium-rich juices and fluids to restore the amount of electrolytes.
Anti-aging: Sodium is an important hydrating product contained in many anti-aging creams. It defends against the free radicals that accelerate the aging process. Furthermore, it helps to restore youthful and healthy skin.
Eliminates Excess Carbon Dioxide: Sodium plays an important role in the removal of any excess carbon dioxide that has accumulated in the body.
Regulates Glucose Absorption: Sodium helps to facilitate the absorption of glucose by cells, resulting in the smooth transportation of nutrients in the body’s cell membranes.
Maintains Acid/Base Balance: By altering the proportions of acid-base alkali phosphates in the body, sodium controls the reaction of the kidneys and the frequency and content of urination.
Regulation of Fluids: One of the most notable health benefits of sodium is its ability to balance the osmotic pressure in the human body due to the regulation of fluid in the body’s cells.
Balance of Ions: Sodium shares an association with chlorides and bicarbonates in maintaining a sound balance between two types of ions, both positively charged ions and negatively charged ones.
Maintains Heart Health: Sodium can help to maintain normal contractions of the heart. It plays a vital role in maintaining the blood pressure of the human body, but an excessive increase in sodium content can dramatically boost the blood pressure and result in serious health complications.
Minerals deficiency and their risks to healthy living
Reviewed by Unknown

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